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A. C. Salter Author

A C Salter

Describing himself as a dreamer, Adrian takes his imagination and lets it run creating an intricate, well-structured mix of urban and fantasy novels that have captured attention and audiences. His first seven novels are now widely available at leading bookstores and Amazon (Kindle and Kindle unlimited).

A former army sniper, his world view is unique and gives an added depth and dimension to what he does from his home in Dorset with his wife, children, a grumble of pugs, and a black cat.

Looking at the first of these books we see the Daughters of Chaos, a dark, dystopian fantasy of lies, half-truths, betrayal set on Earth with the potential danger of merging with a fantasy realm it is a pageturner of empowerment and intrigue that has opened the door to a host of new characters.

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