film stories

Introducing Alejandro Forcado Filmmaker

Having just completed his latest film project, which we will be talking about soon, we wanted to talk in detail about his work and introduce the talented Alejandro Forcada whose work has garnered international praise and accolades within the film community.

As a start to introducing your work in film and media, can you tell us more about yourself  and what you do?  

I’m a filmmaker since 20 years ago. I begun taking acting classes when I was twelve years  old, but later it got my attention the behind scene cinema business. For that reason at 18 years  old I introduced myself in Cinema school until I became a filmmaker, obviously that process  took its time, however with passion, love, commitment and hard work/ study I’m a filmmaker  as I do today. Although I’m a screen writer and most of my short films have been written by  me.

Can you tell us more about your past projects and what you are currently working on?  

In my career as an indie filmmaker I developed myself making not just short films, between  them I have made video clips, documentaries, tv shows and commercials. But If I honest, I’m  still making such productions, the small difference right now is that my big focus is totally headed in showcasing on international film festivals, with an unique objective to get in that  world and keep myself in that way to stay as a real indie professional filmmaker in cinema  matters. 

What is your biggest obstacle to creating films and what would you is your biggest  achievement as a filmmaker?  

Like everyone else who have had all kind of obstacles, in my case the biggest obstacle was  the lack of support, I mean about the goverment regarding at cultural issues or cultural  developments staff who almost never have heard us to supporting to carry on such projetc.  But beyond of it that I din’t have their help, that kind of experience helped me a lot to be  more self - sufficient and provide resources I needed from another more solid perspective  and I Can tell you about the mentioned experienced was the best thing ever happened to me,  because of that I’m the man I’m, and not just in my profession…in other senses of life as  well.

What does the future hold for you and your team in media and creative terms? What can we  expect to see from you?  

What I’m able to see so far about my “future” in media and creative or film terms, well…as a  team and my self are making a great sacrifice and effort to get what we feel on creative  business. We currently are having very good results both worldwide films festivals including  international press. Through those real evidences we’re living…we can ensure we’re in the  right way. Of course If we keep our philosophy how we manage such matters, we’ll have a  prosper future in the mentioned areas.

Is there any advice you would like to offer to people entering the field of film that you wish  you had known when you started?  

The advise…I mean I never advise anybody, but something I do is sharing my experience,  therefore the suggestion or recommendation is that anybody can give up themselves, we know is a hard path…we know takes time to get what we really wish…but never…ever give up…is  not an option…THE OPTION IS TO KEEP ON MOVING…ALWAYS…DESPITE ALL.  Another recommendation is to change the strategy of your goal/ objetive. We can’t use the  same method / strategy or plan…we need to change them according to every circunstance we  face, but there is something else: THE LOVE..THE PASSION FOR THIS PROFESSION  you never let that finish…you never let that fire goes out…before all…you keep on. That’s a  promise…doing in that way…you will get much more things you have expected.

To learn more about Alejandro and his work see:

Accion Films YouTube.

Accion Films Instagram.


Talking Books and Films With Ivan Peric

Over at The Lost Creatives, we are big fans of Ivan Peric and his book on filmmaking, taken from his own experiences and offering a solid plan for making and selling your work that resonates with our team. We are extremely thankful that he took some time out of his schedule to talk to us and open up about what he has been doing since the launch of “Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie!”

You are returning from a break after the release of your successful and lauded book “Don’t F*ck Up Your No-Budget Movie!” What have you been doing in that time that you can share with us?

Thanks for this question as it touches upon something that we don't often hear about, and that's taking ''breaks". Taking the time to not do anything and just relax. You scroll down your social media feed and all you see are people pushing the ''hustle'' and "grind'' lifestyle, it's rare you see someone talking about taking it easy and pacing yourself.

“The reality is that everyone needs to take breaks every once in a while in order not to burn out. This is especially true for us artists and digital creators.”

Most of us have full-time jobs and families, so all the extra work we put into our projects ends up taking a toll on our bodies. Just like any car, it doesn't matter if you use it for work or leisure, the mileage always accumulates. So that's what I did, I just took a break from it all, acting, writing, producing...My agent was sending me auditions and I just couldn't get myself to do them. I was physically and mentally drained.

I had written DFYNBM during the pandemic, the editing process was a lot of work and a lot of back and forth with the editors, then the publisher released it pretty quickly so I had to be on my toes and start promoting it right away.

With the uncertainties of the pandemic, everyday life at work, and writing this book, I never got to take a step back and refocus. After a few months ''off'', I now feel great and motivated to continue working on my plans for this book and other projects!

You have spoken quite openly about how your workflow has changed thanks to your experiences in filmmaking, taking you from actor to director/producer to give you control over your projects, how has this affected your style as an actor overall, and is it a method you would recommend?

Yes, I would definitely recommend any actor to pick up a camera and produce something themselves! It's the best experience and you get to see through the eyes of a producer and director. For me, understanding the process gave me much more confidence as an actor.

Once you get to understand how things work, you put much less pressure on yourself. Most young actors are very self-conscious, always wondering what everyone on set thinks of their performance. I was like that, always looking for that validation. By becoming a director yourself, you get to understand that performing is not that complicated and it often doesn't take that much of a ''performance'' as some actors might think.

It definitely grounded my acting style. Every subtle moment is blown up by 1000% on the screen, so it made me understand that less is more because the camera catches everything. You also get to understand the point of view of the director much more.

I remember being a young actor and being devastated by any notes a director would give me after a take. I would take it personally and couldn't understand why the director didn't like my performance. But the truth was that the director never disliked my performance, he just wanted to see something different and push me as an artist. Producing also makes you appreciate every single person on set. You see and understand that everyone has an important role in a production. You just respect everyone more, and out of that respect comes better performances because you want to contribute as best as you can to the project.

What is next for you in the creative arena? Do you have any new projects planned? Will
you be taking your method on the road and teaching the Ivan Peric method of filmmaking?

Every time I come back from a break I want to do it all! I feel inspired to act, write and produce! But I know I will have to focus on one thing at a time. I wasn't 100% satisfied with my book launch as it was rushed by the publisher and I didn't have much time to market it before I had to take a break. So the first thing on my list is to continue to push my book and get it out there to as many people as possible. Yes, one of the ways I will be doing this is by starting workshops for aspiring filmmakers. I would love to have seminars all around the world and inspire others to start making their own movies.

My main goal with DFYNBM was to inspire people who might not have a big budget, or any budget at all, to produce their own feature films. I believe these seminars can complement the book very well by being not only inspiring but also informative and entertaining.

I have so many stories and anecdotes I would love to share that didn't end up in the book! I will start locally here in Montreal, then hopefully expand to the rest of Canada and the US. The next goal after that would be to go overseas! I will also slowly get back into acting. I already have a few auditions lined up that seem like fun. There are also some unfinished scripts I'd like to work on and hopefully produce.

What advice would you offer anyone entering the film or TV arena as an actor, producer, or director?

Make sure you are getting into it because you absolutely love it. Don't do it for some kind of fame or fortune because there is a 99.9% chance you won't get it. Do it from your heart and not your ego. Take classes/workshops, and learn as much about your craft as you can. Watch a lot of movies and shows!

There is a lot of great content out there and so many outlets where you can expose your work. There is no excuse these days, the technology is affordable and platforms are always looking for fresh ideas. Finally, just do it! Pick up your digital camera or iPhone and just go out there and shoot. If you're an actor, record yourself doing scenes or shoot skits to keep yourself sharp, and never give up!

To learn more about Ivan Peric and his work or to purchase his excellent book see:

Ivan Peric Website.

Ivan Peric Instagram.

Ivan Peric Facebook.

Ivan Peric Twitter.

Ivan Peric Youtube.

Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon UK.

Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! Amazon USA.
