horror tv work

Discussing Film with Kemal Yildirim

Expanding on our previous blogs with the team behind The Foreboding: Fractured, we talk to director, editor and DOP Kemal Yildirim about the films making.

You were a leading voice behind The Foreboding: Fractured as the director. Can you tell us a little more about the thought process behind the creation of this project?

When Alexander sent me the script I was immediately taken with the characters he created and how he captured that feeling of what comes next on our journeys into adulthood. I have always been a fan of horror and in particular ghost story and folklore genres. As Director and Cinematographer I wanted to create a sense of unease, that these characters who are on the cusp of adulthood are in danger. I also wanted to create a sense that the infamous woodland they enter has a life of its own and plays on their fears. I used the tropes from the folklore and supernatural genre to do this.

What challenges have you faced in the making of the project and how did you overcome them?

As with all films there will always be challenges. Our biggest challenge was how remote the location was and that it had no power outlets. So we had to rely on a generator to help aid our shoot. Our first generator blew up so that meant one of our night shoots was affected. The good old British weather was some of the worst I have seen with torrential rain and winds, but none of this stopped us. The thing I love about indie filmmaking is the tenacity and team spirit to get through stressful situations for the sake of the production, a singular goal of getting the film over the line and to see the vision through.

Now that the project is complete and you have started the PR and marketing what is next for you as a creative that you can share?

There are always more projects in the pipeline, I am lucky as I have a good career as a cinematographer as well so I am working with some really exciting filmmakers from the indie scene. I am also developing some really interesting scripts ready to launch into production when the timing is right.

Is there any advice you can offer to people starting out or creating their own film?

My advice is simple, the times we are in right now is a great time to be a filmmaker. Tech is more affordable and with so much talent behind and in front of the camera there really isn’t an excuse not to make your film. The script is key, have a solid script and build a team of like minded creatives to help bring that vision to life.

To learn more about the film see:

IMDB The Foreboding: Fractured.

Horror Scream Video Vault Interview.

Blazing Minds Interview.

Podcast Interview.

Introducing Screaming Unicorn Productions

In the current content hungry world we find ourselves talking to Screaming Unicorn Productions, based in Glasgow, and making films for the world, they have already garnered numerous festival accolades for their short horror films and quest to bring cinematic projects to a worldwide audience.

A close knit group, they welcome new faces and talents who join the team whose passion for films shines out in their grindhouse style of horror filmmaking and gives them something of a unique look that works well and keeps the content flowing as well as creating opportunities such as their latest project (crowdfunding is underway) Skelf a Christmas Horror, which judging by previous projects will be a critical success and garner the team more accolades to add to the growing list.

Open to the potential of collaboration, the Screaming Unicorn productions ethos is about community and learning with each project opening up the chance to expand on skills or add to your repertoire by being part of something new, a really clever way of building not just a network but making film accessible and something The Lost Creatives approves of.

From a purely artistic stance, horror offers the most potential for creativity and fun in film, making this a concept that works and opens up (creaking) doors to festival accolades and commercial sales with the digital download market.

To learn more about the company or to support their new project via their crowdfunding campaign see:

Skelf: A Christmas Horror Short Fundraiser.

Screaming Unicorn Productions Website.

Screaming Unicorn Productions YouTube.

Screaming Unicorn Productions Instagram.

Screaming Unicorn Productions Facebook.

Source: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/screa...

Indie Film Thoughts

There is a lot of concern at the moment with the BBC daytime drama Doctors being cancelled, it was a mainstream way for people to gain a foothold in the industry and seen as a staple of daytime TV for many. People are naturally, wondering what this means for those entering the media market from the cast side to crew.

Changes to the market are always difficult to navigate and people are now looking for alternative avenues within the mainstream but overlooking the potential of commercializing ideas in the indie sector and utilizing avenues that are already in place such as HOD TV and the fantastic New Village Video whose platform is focused on the indies and the classic old school “straight to video” movies or the more familiar “streaming service original.”

Talks are underway for collective motion to pull new and emerging talent into pools and building something fresh. What this means is the indie scene has an opportunity to build a new network, a new platform and create.

With this in mind The Lost Creatives is willing to support and to start we want to share the books and sites we feel will be a major benefit to this:

Distribution and sales avenues.

HOD TV submissions a specialist in horror and thriller, the terms are fair and commercialization is possible, a full breakdown of the requirements is available, just drop us an email and we can share the details.

New Village Video, a friendly, open minded team who accept all genres of film and advocate for the indie scene while supporting and selling projects with success.


Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie by Ivan Peric, a fantastic and personal insight into creating a feature film with a low budget, Ivan talks about the perils and offers up his own tried and tested path to creating a film and getting it sold by planning strategically. A real must read and a part of the lost library of books.

Opening Doors For Working Class Actors by Patricia Jones, a wonderful and open insight into the world of an actor giving you a clear and honest way to start out as an actor. Patricia Jones is a wonderful lady who talks honestly about her journey and gives pointers to those who would otherwise feel they cannot make the leap into the arts.

Cast and Crew

vShowcards, an alternative to the main networking and actors/crew sites, vshowcards is actor run and supported by various casting agents, production houses across the world, and offers a cohesive platform for you to market yourself to the media landscape.

Over the next few weeks we will be exploring avenues of marketing and other elements of the creative industry with a view to showcasing the potential for the indie scene.

Motivational Changes

Motivational Changes

With so many changes happening in the world of cinema, our predictions are starting to look more and more like a reality as people move toward digital platforms and the rise of the Indie film scene as smaller companies step to the plate and create films and TV projects that are specific to the likes of Prime and Amazon in general and of course our own personal favorite HOD TV.

Part of this for us has been about rethinking the websites and the content, we have made some small steps in this and will be taking our creative director’s portfolio site fully offline for a few days to reorganize and rebrand to fit upcoming projects.

While this is happening we did pull out some images that for us are a marker of what we are aiming to showcase and have a very commercial leaning that suits our style and future plans. What we have also been doing is talking to other small companies via Twitter, where we have been making a push toward support for Indie film of all stripes and will be publishing interviews with some fantastic small companies who have been talking about their pre-production work for their projects and how they are working within the guidelines. taking time to talk to distributors about what is out there for us as a team.

Naturally, for us, we are going to be looking at web TV first and foremost and have looked into various festivals and options to promote with our ultimate plan being commercially driven.

Interviewing Andreas Samuelson Director of Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie

In what is a tour d force of fun and a prime example of low budget done right for the horror/comedy market, we wanted to talk to the creative mind behind the film Andreas Samuelson whos tongue in cheek Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie is a heady mix of thrills, chills and cheap laughs that is worthy of praise.

What was the motivation behind making Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie? 

I wanted to make a movie but didn’t have a budget so figured the best film to make without money was a bad one. So the concept of spoofing bad movies, specifically B-horror, was born. I also wanted to offer a horror-comedy for the LGBTQ audience, and a kind of gender-swapped exploitation film where the women kick ass and the men are sex objects.

Did you face any major challenges in making this and how did you overcome them? 

Working with a low or no budget is always a challenge. You have to do 15 people’s jobs at the same time and really pull magic tricks when it comes to assembling cast, crew, makeup, special effects, costume, etc. I was very lucky to meet and gather amazing people who contributed not only with time and talent but their own gear and resources.

Are you planning more films in the future and if so will you be using the same team? 

I would love to. Me and my editor/cinematographer, Rickard, have been talking about maybe making a sequel. I’m also writing on other stuff. It’s all about opportunities. Producers and financiers are hard to find… But I have too many ideas to not make something more before I eventually kick the bucket.

What does the future hold for you as a director/producer? 

Networking and finding new people to collaborate with. Aim for more serious projects outside the horror parody genre.

Do you have any advice for people looking to make their first film or TV project? 

Aim small. I went a little overboard with a lot of different locations, actors, and special effects. Even the simplest film takes a long time to make and a lot of things don’t turn out as you plan them. So a lot of time and patience. And good, loyal people you rely on.

Who is the source of your filmmaking inspiration? 

For this particular film, I was very inspired by John Waters, both his earlier work and cult movies like “Serial Mom”. Low-budget horror studio Troma was also an inspiration as well as the humor from “Airplane” and “Naked Gun”.

To watch the trailer or purchase the film see:

Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie Youtube.

Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie Amazon.

Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie Vimeo.

Housewife Alien Vs Gay Zombie Facebook.

Restructuring The Lost

Restructuring The Lost

With our two blogs (Lost Creatives on the professional side and Lost Project on the consumer), our creative director JamesC, and a new site in the wings, the overall concept of The Lost as we started it has grown in the last 2 years into a much bigger and much more refined business that while it was our plan, is still surprising how things have changed for the better. In the next few weeks, we will be adding heavily to the various galleries we have of our work and making amendments to the overall layout and general themes of our work to better fit what we feel in the direction we are heading in. What this means is we will be changing a few of the frequently asked questions, designated accounts, and announcing the longer-term plans and goals of how we will progress in business terms including that of our base location.

*We did consider an office but in the current climate that seems like a redundant step that would be overly complicated and serve no purpose for what is coming into play.

Admittedly many of the changes will be small and have a minimal effect on the business there is something larger that will be taking public soon that focuses heavily on the vision of founder, creative director, and head of makeup JamesC, who has led the charge on the basis of “be the change you want to see.” Creating The Lost and carefully selecting who we work with, researching and planning, taking additional training as and when required, he has taken the lead on the business and we do want to offer a nod to the Nepal Film Production team who have offered up several opportunities and been a huge supporter of the work we are doing.

In an industry that is evolving and changing we fully intend to make the most of the digital landscape in whatever format we can and we are taking steps to ensure that our work is seen in the best possible light with more updates on this coming soon we are really excited about the future of The Lost.

Lost In The Horror

Lost In The Horror

We are in the midst of what would (and most likely will be) the source of many new thriller and horror film and TV plots, the lockdown is the start of a refresh of the industry which we will be taking full advantage of and have been in all honesty planning around for a long time as Horror is the genre of choice for us both artistically and commercially, more than ever with the support of the HOD TV team (submit your films here).

For us and our partners, Horror has all the potential we need to feel fulfilled as an artist: our actors can play the character and develop the narrative, the writers are loving the scope of the human mind for fear, for our creative director JamesC, it’s about the makeup and of course our remote teams it’s all about the locations (our Nepal production contacts are delighted with this idea). There is something in this for each of us to get our teeth into and we have room to work together as a collective to push an agenda that suits us and it does also open up other potential aspects that could be realistically deemed vanity projects with a slight commercial twist.

With many magazines and film festivals dedicated to the Horror and Thriller genres, we can easily utilize different suppliers and resources to keep the costs down while maintaining the gore and chills.

Talking of Keeping the costs down, it is fairly straightforward and can be augmented by companies like Monster Fx or the supply house Red Carpet FX (who stock our favorite IPA palettes from Ripper FX).

The future is in our hands and we are taking our own direction on this with plans in motion to do both editorial/print work in this darker style and of course TV projects that will be at the heart of the work, a commercially driven but still artistically driven venture.

TV Production and Development

As you can well imagine, we are really keen to get back on set and start working properly again, much the same as our partners in Nepal. The Lost Creatives team is working quietly on marketing, planning and with their usual dark minds in motion, we started looking at the horror/thriller script options we have open to us with a view to the future. Taking everything into consideration we are going to be focused on TV projects and have 2 already earmarked with a 3rd being discussed and developed. We want to have a set of projects that can be set up as long term with options for multiple series follow ons and continued creative development.

In the short term, we have been watching the indie magazine world and have decided on a total of 4 photoshoots planned as part of a wider project to be done as soon as we can. With 2 male and 2 female concepts in place and more being discussed collectively by the remote team. *Naturally, we are following current guidelines and our meetings are done over the phone or via Whatsapp/FB messenger to ease the strain on those who are not in the country or cannot risk attending meetings.

Our Creative Director JamesC, is happy to hold for the moment and has agreed that he will begin stock checking so we can order in new materials that are needed for the work planned, blush is going to be a big part of our upcoming beauty shoots.

Stay tuned for further updates and news from The Lost Creative Team.

Nepal Film Production and The Future of Cinema

In a rapidly changing cinematic and TV landscape Nepal Film Productions team is working on new developments in the world market to help augment and support film and TV creators at this time and will continue to do so. Budgets and other constraints are going to be first and foremost in peoples mind and the Nepal team are working around this to ensure that production companies get the best service at the most competitive price without compromising on the quality of the work.

Nepal is a historically beautiful country at the heart of Asia with cultural heritage to be rivaled and documented, however, it is the cinematic potential that is truly appealing and offers filmmakers and TV companies a host of new avenues and potential that is out of this world. With some of the most iconic locations on the planet such as Kathmandu city and of course the Hymilain mountain range, it can and does tailor itself to the needs of a wide range of film projects without losing any sense of its own identity and it is this that the team from Nepal Film Production are there to support, offering a bridge between worlds.

From a purely financial sense, Nepal as a film hub offers a cost-effective location and of course a talent pool of highly skilled actors, models, camera crew and more that can be hired locally reducing the overall need to bring staff in to shoot, a winner when working to a smaller budget or looking to split between another continent and still having the beauty of a natural location in your film/TV project. Multicultural and still traditional there is something special about Nepal as a location that cannot be found elsewhere to a point where crews from Hollywood to Bollywood understand that this is the place to be for stunning visuals and the best creative teams.

Something that is exclusive to the Nepal Film Production company is the deal with HOD TV (Horror and Thriller exclusive online distribution) that offers yet more reason to work with them. *More details on this option can be discussed with the team and it does mean that Nepal has the more to offer than just surface looks, the country is set to become the home of horror and thriller in South Asia.

Overall, Nepal as a location has so much to offer film/TV and Nepal Film Production understands this and offers a one-stop-shop service.

To learn more about the region or to talk to the team about filming see:

Nepal Film Production Website.

The rise of On Demand TV

With the current climate being so uncertain for the media business in terms of new productions, there is a little hope for those with projects already made or want to find something to watch during the quarantine. Like many, I love a good thriller or a nail-biting horror movie from a viewers perspective to being a member of the team, this is the right time to be thinking about those projects that are backlogged or just to find something to fill the days and nights.

Over time we have been working on some interesting projects (that we have put on hold temporarily) that we will release through HOD TV, the on-demand service tailored to the horror and thriller market, so much is the faith in the service that we signed up as a partner to the company allowing us to offer some support to indie filmmakers across the board.

As a film buff, you can watch a wide array of films from across the world and show some support for the indie film scene, but crucially for us, there is an opportunity here to open a door (admittedly a creaky, groaning door), there are many filmmakers out there looking for an outlet for their movie and its an easier sell to take on horror than any other genre.

So with the downtime we have, the team at lost creatives are making plans for the future and wanted to share this with our contacts out there in the film and TV world, there is a way to enjoy and sell your movies that will be beneficial long term through the HOD TV network.

To learn more about the HOD TV service as a viewer click here.

For submissions and to put your film or project in the horror and thriller genre to the team click here.

We want to wish all our readers the best at this difficult time and ask that you please be sensible and safe. The Lost Project will be continuing to talk about beauty and lifestyle so check the site out for something a little more fun about the makeup world to keep you entertained.

Source: https://hodtv.net/