featured brand

Creative The Narrative

Creative Potential

We are working in the background and will be showcasing new work soon through all 3 of our sites and talking about the creative process in more detail along with the logic behind what we did and how we did it. At the moment we are working on some site updates which will come into play across our sites. At this time we have some editorials in the edit suite with others in motion for publication alongside text articles that will be available through World Fashion Media News upcoming print magazine (which we are truly grateful to be a part of).

Our creative director JamesC, is working with a few brands on product testing (subject to non-disclosure agreements) which is an exciting prospect for our work collectively and announcements on longterm partnerships will be made as and when they are completed.

Understand that while we are quiet we do have a lot happening and cannot wait to showcase the new work and our refreshed sites and we are working to create new partnerships for future projects.

Editorial content will be playing a big part of our upcoming work with JamesC leading the charge on this and plans to completely change the layout and look of his site including an opening video for the site which we are designing the overall look for at the moment.

Focus is on publication and as previously mentioned, World Fashion Media News having a new print version coming soon, we will be working on editorials exclusive to them with an emphasis on clean beauty and male grooming.

Our list of magazines is growing and thankfully the terms are clearly laid out which means we can focus on the artistic over the corporate first with marketing taking a very close second.

Motivated and pushing forward The Lost Creative team is working hard and dreaming big.

Fondation Valmont supports Publicolor with a new artistic initiative

Fondation Valmont and the Publicolor artists

Faithful to their core of giving back, Fondation Valmont is proud to continue their partnership with Publicolor, a New York-based nonprofit youth development organisation that engages at-risk students through design-based programs to help empower them to plan and prepare for success in school, college, work and life. To support this organisation, Didier Guillon, Owner and Creative Director of Valmont, created 14 pieces of original artwork during the quarantine lock down that will be offered for sale with 100% of the proceeds directly benefiting Publicolor.

Didier's inspiration for these new creations stemmed from his 'The Elegant Symmetry of the Gorilla' exhibition that travelled around the world to Munich and Berlin in 2019 after debuting in New York City in 2018. During a visit to the Berlin Zoo, Didier fell under the charm of Ivo, the famous gorilla and zoo mascot, and designed a series of artistic tributes to portray the quest of a gorilla in pursuit of happiness.

To embark on a new chapter of Ivo, Didier explored new materials and elevated daily objects to create a series of new compositions. As a result, new gorillas were created on dollar bills, newspaper articles and other sustainable materials.

To purchase artwork or donate directly to Publicolor, please email info@fondationvalmont.com.

Fondation Valmont extends its charitable operation until the end of the year.

About Valmont Art / Fondation Valmont:

Art is a fundamental pillar of the Valmont Group and plays a role in every initiative of the luxury Swiss beauty brand, promoting their motto ‘When Art Meets Beauty.’ An artist and collector himself, Valmont’s Owner and Creative Director, Didier Guillon founded Fondation Valmont to support artists globally by presenting international art exhibitions. The Valmont Group recently purchased Palazzo Bonvicini, a historic palace in Venice, Italy that is the new home to Fondation Valmont and hosts art exhibitions on a rolling basis. Through Fondation Valmont, Didier has curated art exhibitions all over the world, including multiple shows in Venice for the Biennale, Switzerland, Greece and New York City.

About Publicolor: 

Founded in 1996, Publicolor's mission is to improve educational equity by promoting an imaginative use of color and design in schools. Creating 'stay-in-school' youth development programs, Publicolor helps to mentor and guide students on how to achieve success in school, college, career and personal life. To date, Publicolor has helped to transform 270 under performing public schools in New York City, impacting over 900,000 students and teachers, and 241 community facilities.

Wolfskin London Mens Grooming Kit for Makeup Artists

Wolfskin London.

As the makeup industry landscape changes to meet new standards and we see the need for new techniques and methods, especially for TV presenters, Wolfskin London offers a simple solution that allows men to look smart, well-groomed, and professional in any setting.

Increasingly people are required to work from home using software setups for digital meetings and the full HD screens are opening up our faces to closer scrutiny and the need for a clean, fresh, groomed look as we work from home is becoming a must and in a media format, this can also mean that for male presenters who are often used to having a makeup artist on set, they will now need to do their own makeup which is where Wolfskin London becomes integral to the media business.

For the Lost team, the reason we are looking to Wolfskin London is fairly straight forward, it is designed to suit men and is simple enough that it is suitable for most situations and we can (if required) teach our male talent to do their own makeup with minimal fuss and will be something we reach for when we cover events such as fashion shows.

Pushing forward in the make-up realm having a range that is designed for men both professionally and personally will be something we work with more in line with not only the projects we have in development but for the future of the company overall.

To learn more about the Wolfskin London range or to purchase see:

Wolfskin London Shop.

Wolfskin London Instagram.

Wolfskin London Facebook.

Wolfskin London Twitter.

Depixym paints in the new media sphere

depixym starter kit

As we move into a whole new world for makeup artists, influencers, and creatives in general, many people are having to rethink how they work within the beauty industry.  Starting out of the blocks and ahead of the game in terms of packaging and are starting to think long term with their clients to ensure that they are working safely.  Developed as a brand for experimentation and fun that translated across genres from theatrical makeup to film and television. 

Depixym is going to be a game-changer as the rules and potential guidance long term for how makeup staff can work on set, the products we use creatively will need to change to meet a whole host of new needs and dynamics.  The advantages of having a product that is: 

  • Longwear 

  • Non-transfer 

  • Vegan

  • Cruelty-free

  • Matte, 

  • Blendable

  • Mixable 

  • Waterproof

Those working in fashion and editorial or even the film/TV industry will be able to minimize their kit and get creative without losing the edgy, beauty styles that are often needed or even put together a simple clean makeup look for a more commercial shoot, and with the Depixym emulsions being long wear, it is possible to minimize touch-ups on set as the product itself is designed to be long wear which in the future will be a major consideration when choosing products.  *0194 black emulsion is a multi-tasker (like all the colors) which for liner and mascara should be seen as a potential staple for all artists who need to be able to maximize their output with minimal items for speed.  

Creativity is at the heart of the brand and it is easy to see that but from a pro stance, Depixym has the hallmarks of a kit staple that in the coming months is going to be a game-changer and powerhouse in the cosmetics field as we have to work smarter.   *They also stock brush and sponge soap to ensure you can keep your kit clean which is an important aspect of working today.

To learn more about the brand or to purchase see:

Depixym Emulsions Website.

Depixym Emusions Instagram.

Depixym Emulsions Facebook.

Gama Professional Tools

iQ Perfetto Gama hairdryer

From their heart in Italy, the Gama Pro Tools range has become a global phenomenon capturing first the European market then branching out into rest of the Globe and are amongst the elite brands used in salons taking the style and technical savvy of the Italians and putting it in the hands of artisan hairdressers and barbers.

“It all started in 1969 when the creative wizardry of a number of beauty salons inspired us to seek a new way of interpreting hair care.

The result was the first-ever professional straighteners, produced in large quantities by GAMA, and capturing the attention and interest of professional hairstylists around the globe.
In other words, GAMA haircare and styling products became the tool of choice and secret weapon both backstage at fashion events and in hair salons.”

Standing tall in the range is the new IQ Perfetto Hairdryer, a state of the art and aesthetically beautiful piece of hairdressing kit that is making waves across the pro hairdressing arena.

Moving into a whole new wave of business and with changes to how we work the tools we pick to do our work will be a much bigger part of the conversation and Gama Professional is an elite brand that understands the changing styles and needs of the salon, barber and home use with products tailored to meet this.

To learn more about the brand or to purchase see:

Gama Professional website.

Gama Professional Instagram.

Gama Professional Facebook.

Gama IQ Perfetto Instagram.

Project Planning With Nepal Productions

Project Planning

We really do owe a debt of gratitude to our team in Nepal especially Digbijaya Bharati from the Nepal Film Production team, who has been patient during the lockdown and happy to continue working via Whatsapp so we can as a team which gets our work moving forward, not just with media but other elements and promotional avenues we are exploring. As our regular readers will be aware our plans are geared toward Intenet TV, in particular, the horror and Thriller genres with a sideline in the editorial market to boost marketing via social accounts and strategic placement of ads.

For us, it has become planning and strategy that allows us to focus our energies in new areas of business and develop further as a business although at heart we still love makeup work and our creative director JamesC is part and parcel of the ongoing plans, we are all on board with changes being made to the business and have some smaller elements such as the facecharts being brought back in (the JamesC facechart will be available again via his site soon).

We already have several scripts in play for development in the realm of TV and will be working on a range of new images and behind the scenes work while the weather is good and allows us flexibility, the new guidelines for production work will be a big part of how we move forward ensuring everyone involved is safe and the work is handled carefully.

As our previous blog has stated we are going to also look at skills development for our in-house team to allow us to multitask and keep the crew requirements to a minimum and safe.

*Change in how the media and fashion industry will be massive and we are doing all we can to ensure that our staff is safe, the team (both the UK and South Asian) are up to date on the latest changes.

Creative and Editorial Research Featuring Lola Makeup

lola shadow quads

Over the last few weeks, we have been working quietly on new content designs and running not just our various blogs but also some research into styling for planned shoots (suggested by our media partners Nepal Film Production and coordinated by our creative director JamesC), focusing our energies on commercial concepts and the behind the scenes elements that will be showcased as part of the planned expansion of The Lost Concept, more on this later. What has really hit the right marker for us and our partners in style terms is the look of the Lola Makeup channel on youtube where whose campaign videos are a stellar example of how it should be done to showcase not just the cosmetics but the minds behind the work. A leading light of the Euro scene for both fashion and media, Lola Makeup is a brand that has captured artists' attention, designed to meet the needs of the consumer with the attention to the details that draw in makeup artists of all stripes.

For us, as a creative team, we are working on new editorials and do have some work to be edited and will be using both the still images and behind the scenes as a part of our upcoming marketing alongside our partners at Nepal Film Production.

We will be working on more designs over the next few weeks that will incorporate different elements of beauty and editorial from a commercial stance and nodding to more creative concepts that will push the boundaries a little more and take us away from the simple and clean into the more fashion show look (the Lola cream shadow pencils will feature heavily in this).

At the moment for simplicity and ease, we can work with smaller teams on editorial concepts, we are focused on fashion but we do have other projects in the works and as we push forward behind the scenes is going to become a larger part of our work which we are really excited about.

To learn more about the Lola Makeup range and why we are using them see:

Lola Makeup Website.

Lola Makeup Youtube.

Lola Makeup Facebook.

Lola makeup Instagram.